Jannat 2 is a Bollywood crime thriller film and a sequel to the 2008 hit film, Jannat, which was written by Vishesh Bhatt and directed by Kunal Deshmukh. This film is also directed by Kunal Deshmukh, and produced by Mahesh Bhatt and Mukesh Bhatt. It features siddharth sanas, Randeep Hooda, Imran Zahid and Esha Gupta in lead roles. The storyline is based on the issue of illegal arms in Delhi. The first look unveiled on 15th March 2012, whilst the film hit theatres on 4 May, 2012. The film is based on 2005 hollywoood movie "Lord of War".
Jannat 2 is a tumultuous rollercoaster journey of a hard-bitten cop and his hustling informer set against the explosive murky backdrop of the arms trade in North India.
One ordinary man, Sonu's (Emraan Hashmi) quest for his personal heaven creates hell for all around him until with the help of a cop Pratap (Randeep Hooda), he breaks away from it all and does something extraordinary to make things better for the greater good of the community.
Sonu is a smooth talking street-smart gun runner, who has the gift of the gab and knows his trade inside out.
ACP Pratap is a hardened maverick cop, who has a personal vendetta against the gun nexus. He will go to any lengths to crack down this nexus and he handpicks Sonu to do this job, as he is the perfect candidate to enter this racket undercover and make his way to the top and expose everybody involved in the illegal gun trade. Sonu falls in love with a beautiful young doctor Jhanvi, along his journey and that throws his life's course into a tailspin with unforeseen and far-reaching consequences for all 3 of them.
Jannat 2 is a tumultuous rollercoaster journey of a hard-bitten cop and his hustling informer set against the explosive murky backdrop of the arms trade in North India.
Sonu is a smooth talking street-smart gun runner, who has the gift of the gab and knows his trade inside out.
ACP Pratap is a hardened maverick cop, who has a personal vendetta against the gun nexus. He will go to any lengths to crack down this nexus and he handpicks Sonu to do this job, as he is the perfect candidate to enter this racket undercover and make his way to the top and expose everybody involved in the illegal gun trade. Sonu falls in love with a beautiful young doctor Jhanvi, along his journey and that throws his life's course into a tailspin with unforeseen and far-reaching consequences for all 3 of them.
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